Monday, February 13, 2012

sick (yes, again)

This time with a particularly bad bout of the blues.

Found here, via Pinterest

On Thursday I came down with the worst fever I've ever had. Really, Andy had to pile every single blanket we own on top of me, and still I was having these crazy shaking chills and hallucinations. I'd never experienced anything like it before. Andy kept trying to convince me to go to the hospital, but I couldn't get up. Thankfully, some lovingly administered ibuprofen eventually brought things back down to a more manageable level (meaning, non-hallucinatory) . . . until the migraines started. Once again, the worst I've ever had. By Saturday I knew I needed to get to the doctor ASAP, where I was told everything was related to a bad case of sinusitis. Who knew? 

Unfortunately Saturday was also poor Andy's birthday, and caring for me wasn't exactly the happiest way to spend it. He was definitely a great sport about it though, picking up my prescriptions, then running out to buy saltines and ginger ale when I started throwing them up. I believe I officially owe him about a billion times over. And love him more than that. I've promised him a birthday do-over, but he claims he has no interest in such things. Still, the deep dish cookies I was planning on making? I know he won't mind if we give those another chance.

As of now, things are essentially back to normal, except for the fact that I can't seem to stop crying. Being physically sick is intrinsically linked with homesickness for me, so that probably has something to do with it. Also hormones. In any case, this particular crying jag is an intense one, and I'm definitely struggling a bit as I attempt to climb my way out of it.

God bless my husband.