Fed up with neighborhood strolls and runs through the park, we set off in search of some wilderness....
A short while later we were here, trying to decide which path to take. It was all very, uh, Frostian (yuk yuk yuk). |
But then we saw this sign, telling us of a shortcut to the lake, and the way was obvious. |
Especially when we realized our chosen path went through the forest, unlike the other, paved option. (So perhaps ours was the road less traveled, hmm? Ha ha heh! I know, I know, I'll stop.) |
Pepper bravely led the way. |
Er, until she got distracted, that is. |
So many good smells, too much to take in! |
Her still puppy-like self just couldn't take it. |
Eventually we crossed this road, with a very interesting sign. . .
Turns out the Berlin Wall used to run along this same stretch. |
But another sign soon reminded us of today's goal: To the lake!
It was strange to see giant blocks of apartment buildings stretching up through the trees. . . |
. . . so we just looked the other way. (This, believe it or not, was all there was to be had of one very small lake. See it? It's right there, behind that grass! No? Yeah, well, nothing much to see. Just gotta enjoy the green.) |
But nevermind. We kept on going, and soon we were walking through a grove of birch trees. |
We emerged to find a heron feeding in this stream. Can you spot him? They may be fairly common, but the majesty of a heron always takes my breath away. |
Even Pepper was pretty chilled out after that. |
As we started on the path back home, the sun came out to show off its skill at shadow play. |
And a clearly satisfied Pepper made for success all around. |